Powerful Turf Equipment and Their Significance in the Golf Course

When it comes to perfection in work, only a few things come in mind and golf course is one of them. It is a large area where golf club captain have to maintain every corner neat & clean. When you look at the golf course at very first sight, a well-organized turf, trees and bunkers will appear. However, it takes a lot of experience, patience & hard work to accomplish this job. Apart from the right skills, you also need special machines such as golf course mowers and dethatchers for accomplishing the tasks timely & perfectly. Adequate maintenance of golf course is necessary not only for good looks but also for a flawless game in all terrains whether they are plains or bunkers. Below is a list of essential equipment for turf maintenance that you need in every golf course.

When it comes to the mower of a large turf like a golf course, your domestic mowing equipment worthless. For a large area, you need powerful tools that work more efficiently and fast. Even you cannot maintain the turf of the entire garden with a single kind of mower. Rotary, hover, electric, diesel, petrol & self-propelled are some variants of golf course mowers that you need in different places. Some of them are meant for fast overall mowing whereas others help in giving a perfect finish to the corners and special areas where grass needs to look distinctive that the rest of the turf. Regular mowing is necessary otherwise the continuous growth of grass makes it very difficult to play.
Dethatcher is also known as sacrifier that helps to remove the thatch layer from the turf. Thatch is a layer of organic residue left by dried grass. Small particles of dry grass make a layer that blocks the further growth of new shoots. Along with golf course mowers, you also need a dethatcher that can remove useless particles thoroughly from the ground. This equipment is also helpful in removing weed and crabgrass from your lawn perfectly.
Aeration is not only necessary for fish tanks but you also need it for the adequate growth of grass. Aeration is an annual task of every golf course in which a piece of special machinery is used in making small holes in the entire ground with coring tines. These holes open new space for the growth of roots with much healthier grass. After the removal of soil, they fill its holes with sand.
Fallen leaves from a tree in the autumn season are not easy to clean especially when you have the responsibility of entire golf course. Only a powerful blower can help in wiping them out quickly.
A normal sprinkler of garden is not enough to irrigate the entire area of golf course. You need a device equipped with a water tank and powerful sprinkler to irrigate a large area. You can also avail this device in the section of used turf machinery at reliable websites.

Apart from these few names, you also need the help of bunker & field rake device in specific areas. Nowadays, many credible websites are also selling used turf equipment in perfect working condition & warranty. You can buy them at much affordable price range.  
