
Showing posts from May, 2019

Powerful Turf Equipment and Their Significance in the Golf Course

When it comes to perfection in work, only a few things come in mind and golf course is one of them. It is a large area where golf club captain have to maintain every corner neat & clean. When you look at the golf course at very first sight, a well-organized turf, trees and bunkers will appear. However, it takes a lot of experience, patience & hard work to accomplish this job. Apart from the right skills, you also need special machines such as golf course mowers and dethatchers for accomplishing the tasks timely & perfectly. Adequate maintenance of golf course is necessary not only for good looks but also for a flawless game in all terrains whether they are plains or bunkers. Below is a list of essential equipment for turf maintenance that you need in every golf course. Mower When it comes to the mower of a large turf like a golf course, your domestic mowing equipment worthless. For a large area, you need powerful tools that work more efficiently and fast. Even y